The Greater Bible Way Temple of the Lord Jesus Christ of the Apostolic Faith, Inc.
438 -42  North 63rd Street,  Philadelphia, PA 19151   (63rd St.  &  Girard Ave.)
                                                                  215 - 472 - 4633
    Elder Carroll W. Gibbs Sr. - Pastor
      Bishop Henry A. Gibbs Sr.  - Founder     

Church History

The vision of this ministry was received in 1988, when the Holy Spirit spoke to, then, Elder Henry Allen Gibbs Sr. about a new frontier while serving under the leadership of the late Bishop B. F. Peterson Sr. During a waiting period, and after a time of praying and fasting, Elder Gibbs Sr., in obedience and humble submission of the Holy Ghost, the structure was manifested, and the church name was established as Greater Bible Way Temple of the Lord Jesus Christ of the Apostolic Faith, Inc.
The first service was held at 501 South 52nd Street, Philadelphia, PA in January 1991. The church occupied the first floor. As the congregation grew steadily, it was deemed necessary to extend the worship areas. When the renovation were complete, the first level were two offices and rest rooms. The lower level of the building was renovation into a dining and kitchen facilities. A baptismal pool and a dressing area were constructed in the lower level by Elder Gibbs Sr., with the help of the members.
During one of our powerful and Spirit filled services, again the Lord spoke to His servant, “Opening another door for His People”. At that time, growth continued comprising a structured ecclesiastic hierarchy. The Lord responded to both His servant and His people. God opened a great door and gave a grand mountain of blessings. That new door is now located at 438-42 North 63rd Street, Philadelphia, PA, which is “marvelous in our eyes”. In June 1996, the edifice originally named the Haddington Church, later renamed the Sarah D. Cooper Methodist Episcopal Church, now dedicated and accepted to be the anointed home of the Greater Bible Way Temple of the Lord Jesus Christ of the Apostolic Faith, Inc.
Just as GOD inspired Joshua “to pass over this Jordan”, GOD in like manner inspired Elder Gibbs Sr. to lead His people to the new location that has countless blessings and resourceful potential. This edifice houses a chapel and two sanctuaries. The lower level was constructed with two large restrooms, dining hall (which, according to the historical records on the building, was a used as a gymnasium), a full kitchen, baptismal pool and additional rooms. Renovations of the entire complex continues to this day. 
Over the years, our congregation has rallied, fervently worked in beautifying the House of GOD. For over twenty years, the Temple stands strategically for the Acts of the Holy Spirit, set apart to be “A House of Prayer for all People”. Greater Bible Way Temple continues to grow in Grace, strength and works. Now and decades to come, if GOD permits, the Temple will continue to be used for the ever-fervent Worship of GOD, the preaching and teaching of the His Holy Word, and for the celebratory praise of our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ, so the same shall be saved.


Bishop Henry A. Gibbs Sr.

Founding Pastor

My Life,  My Love,  My All 

My Life :

During the year of 1938:
A new car cost $860.00. Gas was 10 cents a gallon. Movie tickets were 25 cents.   And the  average yearly income was $1,731.00. Times were hard but in Wadmalaw South Carolina .  Franklin and Lillie Bell Gibbs were about to receive a true BLESSING FROM HEAVEN. 

On a Saturday evening on September 17, 1938 Lillie Bell started to give birth to a baby boy.   From the first moments his maternal grandmother Martha Peterson said this one would be  special. On this day Henry Allen Gibbs ( or Allen as he was affectionately called) was born.  On the day Allen was born he didn't cry. His grandmother mandated that since he wasn't 
turning blue just keep him clean and warm. Then three days later they heard a faint cry,  that's when Allen began to make his presence known. Allen grew into the role of " Family  Protector". Following his father on his endeavors Allen developed a love for the church. He  could often be found taking the Sunday School minutes. During his younger days Allen was  the family mediator. With the gift of gab Allen talked himself and his siblings out of  countless trouble. No one bothered Allen, for his loving personality endeared all who knew him to him.   Allen was heard on many occasions during any altercation he was state that he was a lover not a fighter. So Love is what he did. 

My Love :

As an young man Allen met the young woman who would become his wife - Margaret Robinson. Even though he was only several years older than her Allen often assisted the  teacher by helping teach the younger classes, and Margaret's class was one of them. Not letting grass grow under his feet their courtship was not long by any means. With a new  bride Allen sought out a better life for his family. In 1960 Allen came to Philadelphia with  the urging of his Aunt Rebecca Brown of a better life. He moved to 419 Fulton Street, a three  story home which he shared with his Aunt Rebecca (Sister) and Uncle Isaiah (Boyd). His Uncle Isaiah got him his first job in Philadelphia at Pride Dog Food company.   After several  months he brought his new bride and son (Kenneth) to Philadelphia. Allen moved his growing family into a two bedroom apartment at 3rd and Bainbridge after his second son (Curtis) was born. The need to give his family the best became a way of life for Allen.   It was  after his second son was born that his Uncle Benjamin (Dan) offered another job to him  working at Philadelphia Dress Beef. It was here where Allen met the men who would begin to lay the foundation of a personal walk with Christ.  On April 1st, 1963, then Elder B. F. Peterson Sr. sent his son around the corner from 3rd and Fitzwater to 3rd and Bainbridge to invite Allen to sing for the afternoon service. Not wanting to deny this request he quickly dressed and walked to the church. When introduced he proceeded to sing "Lord Let Your Holy Ghost Come on Down". He was so convicted by his own song that he was baptized the 
very same evening and came up out of the water speaking in tongues. He often say on April Fools Day he became a "Fool for CHRIST". Now as Allen grew spiritually his family grew naturally. His union with Margaret begat eight children: Kenneth, Curtis, Henry Jr., Darrell, Carroll, Gwenivere, Jennifer and Veronica.  Along with the happy times of a noisy household 
came sorrow with the unexpected death of Curtis. But through the hard times his faith never wavered.  It was during such times that he perceived a calling upon his life to become a vessel in which the Master use. Rising to the position of Minister Allen pursued a closer walk with GOD: serving as Church Secretary, on the Choir, Sunday School teacher, Bible Class 
instructor, and church van driver.   He took to heart the saying "whatever your hands find to do DO IT". It seemed that the more he served GOD the more GOD blessed him.  Being elevated to the position of Elder, "El" as he was affectionately known in the church, was truly a man after GOD's own heart. Elder Gibbs Sr. began to mentor the younger brothers in the ministry by becoming a living g example of how a man should carry himself. 

My All :

"Psalms 34:6 - "This poor man cried, and the Lord heard him, and saved him out of all his troubles." 

As GOD spoke to Abraham to get "from thy kindred", so he spoke to Elder Gibbs Sr.. While serving as the Assistant Pastor of Bible Way Church,  Elder Gibbs Sr. heard the voice of the Lord to step out from his kinfolk. On June 21,1988, Elder Gibbs Sr. established a charter under the name of  "Greater Bible Way Temple".  Just as he began to prepare his household tragedy struck again with the untimely passing of his wife of 25 years on October 3rd of the same year. As much as it pained him, his Faith never wavered. GOD spoke to him during his lowest time of his life with the charge to "Go Catch Man".   The first service of GBWT was held on January 6,1991 at 52nd and Larchwood Streets. Since that day GOD has continued to bless and provide.   With a growing church GOD saw fit that he should not be alone in this walk. On May 23, 1992, he wedded Pearlie Brown.   His faithfulness was continuously rewarded under the tutelage of Bishop Edward Moses that Elder Gibbs Sr. was elevated to District Elder of the Eastern Pennsylvania Diocese, and under Bishop Preston Bachus as Overseer.  As the health 
of Bishop Bachus began to decline, Overseer Gibbs Sr. was appointed Diocesan of the Eastern Pennsylvania Diocese. 
As Moses anointed Joshua to take the people over the Jordan, during  the 2000 Holy Convocation, Apostle Huie Rogers anointed Overseer to the Bishopric. With the new elevation given came a greater charge..."To whom much is given much required".   Transitioning the people from a store front church to the present Temple, Bishop Gibbs Sr.  encouraged his people always give GOD Praise! Even when his health began to fail Bishop Gibbs Sr.  still has a praise on his lips and in his heart. 


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